Bulent Licis: Why Is Recycling So Important?

Bulent Licis: Why Is Recycling So Important?

October 29, 2020 Clean Energy, Recycling, solutions 0

Bulent Licis: Why Is Recycling So Important?

Why Is Recycling So Important?

We were taught the three golden rules of sustainability as a child; reduction, reuse, and recycling. But for some reason, “recycling” was the highlight. We are learning more and more about going green, but it is becoming increasingly clear that recycling is the least important of these three totems.

Of course, recycling is essential, but if we reduce the amount of use and use reusable instead of disposable options, there will be less material to be recycled in the world. As a result, it is not an exaggeration to say that fewer “things” (matter, things, etc.) are the key to saving the planet.

Recycling is important, but although we know we have to do it, most of us may not understand precisely why. It’s also a little tricky.

It specifies different materials and different types of plastics and how they should be recycled, and these are given resin identification codes and are separated according to these codes.

These numbers can differ from one to seven, and if you do not correctly separate them, this could mean a defective recycling option. Electronic and technology products also have their recycling categories. It forces people to separate these products from other recycled products. But even if you recycle it “right,” it could be useless; Items created by multiple materials or contaminated with food or oil often cannot be recycled.

There is always a possibility that something lightweight (possibly plastic) bursts or blocks the recycling machine. Moreover, some plastics cannot be completely recycled. As we’ve said, recycling can be tricky, but it’s still essential! Keep reading about all the benefits of recycling and why it’s vital to the planet.

Why is recycling so important?

When a material is used to make something, it is crucial that it can be organically broken down, reused, or transformed into something else. Otherwise, this material serves only one purpose before being left in a long-term landfill, where it will not decay last a long time. If waste is not recycled, it can negatively impact our environment in many ways.

Waste can emit greenhouse gases that contribute negatively to global warming and causeful to climate change. Non-recyclable wastes can cause air and water pollution and put human life at risk. Alternatively, we can use recycling to reduce the amount of pollution their waste creates significantly.

The importance of recycling becomes more evident as non-recyclable wastes can negatively affect animals and other creatures (which also affects humans due to the food chain). Trash can cause the loss of natural habitats. Like a chain reaction, it destroys the natural habitats of animals. Death will be inevitable when animals and other biological organisms lose their habitat.

Recycling also means using materials that have already been made and used rather than creating new raw materials. Raw materials can also include natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals. When we obtain new materials in a controlled manner, we can protect natural habitats, forests, rainforests, and give the Earth a chance to grow and recover. Another reason why recycling is so necessary is energy. When we use raw materials to make new things, it takes a lot of energy and water. But much less energy is required to transform old materials into something new, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What are the Benefits of Recycling?

In addition to its positive effects on the environment, recycling has many benefits in stimulating the economy. The EPA reports that recycling helps create jobs in manufacturing industries and recycling facilities in the US, which is crucial to American business stability and security. The recycling industry contributes to the American economy as it means relying on domestic material resources instead of imported ones and creating jobs.

Recycling also reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and global warming, reducing waste sent to landfills and incinerators.

Why is it so important to recycle plastic?

In general, it is important to recycle any material that can be recycled; however, plastic recycling is particularly critical as plastics make up the vast majority of solid waste produced by humans. Plastic does not disappear when it is sent to a landfill. Plastic rarely shattered, its almost organically cannot biodegrade. It is no wonder that 30 million tons of plastic are thrown away each year, as many plastic products are single-used, used by humans. Recycling is the better and only alternative cause it can take 500 to 1,000 years for the plastic actually to break down. We cannot naturally get rid of this material, so we can reuse it by recycling it into something else.

Why is it Important to Recycle Metal Products?

Recycling of metal products saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and creates employment. According to the Scrap Recycling Industries Institute (ISRI), metal recovered from recycling can reduce harmful emissions that cause global warming by 300 to 500 million tons worldwide. Using recycled metal (scrap metal) instead of new metal also reduces mining waste by 97 percent. The National Institute of Health also reported that recycling scrap metal requires less water. Recycling of metal products also significantly reduces energy use.

Using recycled scrap metals as materials save 92 percent raw material for aluminum, 90 percent for copper, and 56 percent for steel. The metal recycling industry also contributes to employment. According to Calgary Metal, this industry is responsible for creating 36 times more jobs for sending waste to the incinerator and six times more for sending it to the landfill. Employment is a significant benefit, but the scrap metal industry also contributes to stimulating the economy. The National Recycling Coalition ensures the recycling industry to generate $ 236 million a year.

Why is Paper Recycling Important?

Like recycling many other materials, paper plays a vital role in recycling in saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and conserving critical natural resources. The more paper recycled, the less paper there would be in landfills. Paper can be recycled; it is essential to leave room in landfills for materials that cannot be recycled. Unlike other materials, paper can be recycled effectively. One ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees and 7,000 gallons of water, according to www.ThoughtCo.com. About 4,000 kilowatts equate to six months’ electricity consumption of an average American household in terms of energy savings.

Why is it Important to Recycle cardboard?

The main benefits of recycling cardboard are similar to the recycling benefits of all other recyclable materials. Less water is used in recycling cardboard, reduces emissions, and does not occupy landfills, leaving room for non-recyclable materials. Of course, it saves raw materials and protects the green.

Recycling a ton of cardboard, such as paper, could prevent 17 trees from living, 7,000 gallons of water from being wasted. One thousand five hundred pounds of carbon dioxide from being released back into the environment, according to Illinois Planned Packaging Company (PPOIC), also reduces energy consumption by 64 percent.

In some states, such as Massachusetts, the disposal of materials such as cardboard, paper, and non-waxed cartons is prohibited. Massachusetts Waste Bans have been proven to save waste costs and have a positive impact on the environment.

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